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dothy1005 01-11-2011 06:26 AM

Internet Antivirus Pro Removal
Internet Antivirus Pro is one of the latest fake anti-virus programs that use false data and powerful techniques to lead people into buying it. A lot of people would see ads about this rogue program while browsing the web. Some sites would bring up pop-up ads saying that your system has been infected. Then you will be brought to another window that has a list of the “infections” on your PC. Then, it will tell you that you have to download Internet Antivirus Pro.

Once you do this, the program will start automatically as soon as you turn your system on. Your system will then be scanned and bring up a number of legitimate applications and files and indicate that they are infected. This will now lead to different problems on your system. We have created a guide for you on how you would be able to manually remove Internet Antivirus Pro on your system.

1. First, you need to terminate all unwanted processes that have been brought by the Internet Antivirus Pro. These include InternetAntivirus.exe, IAUPdater.exe, iv.exe, IAvir.exe and unins000.exe.
2. You must also delete files such as InternetAntivirus.exe, activate.ico, cookies.log and other similar files related to this particular virus.
3. Once this has been performed, you should be getting rid of directories which includes the ff:
c:\DocumentsandSettings\AllUsers\StartMenu\Program s\InternetAntivirus
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Internet Antivirus

4. Lastly, you should also remove unwanted registry items like
Hkey_current_user\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Policies\ Explorer\ Run "iv"
Hkey_current_user\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\Run "Internet Antivirus"
Hkey_current_user\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\Runonce "3P_UDEC_IA" and Hkey_local_machine\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Internet Antivirus_is 1

5. A system restore can be performed to bring the system back to a state it was in before the virus attack.
6. If all these steps fail, you may download a spyware removal tool or a legitimate virus removal program and run it on your computer. These programs are developed to remove threats from your system leaving no trace behind.

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