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Onyi 02-22-2008 07:00 AM

Interner Exporer (IE) 6.0
wen i try 2 open more than 3 intance of internet Explorer it closes the rest

squirrelnmoose 02-22-2008 11:27 AM

There might be more more going on here but why not start with upgrading IE to the current version. (IE7)

Wombat 02-22-2008 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Onyi (Post 9929)
wen i try 2 open more than 3 intance of internet Explorer it closes the rest

How much ram or memory do you have in your computer?

A single IE 6 browser window on average uses 35 to 40 megs of ram. So three IE 6 windows open is approx 120 megs of ram.

If you only have 256 megs for arguments sake your in deep doo, as Windows itself uses about 90 megs.

Think carefully before installing IE 7 as well...

squirrelnmoose 02-22-2008 07:05 PM

Wombat- what's your concern with IE7? I believe it's a much needed upgrade in security and functionality. Also I haven't seen any issues that would outweigh the security gains.

It's going to be an automatic high priority update, unless you don't accept updates.
Here's some more info about IE7 and how to install or block it from being installed automatically.
IEBlog : IE7 to be distributed via Automatic Updates!

Wombat 02-22-2008 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9943)
Wombat- what's your concern with IE7? I believe it's a much needed upgrade in security and functionality. Also I haven't seen any issues that would outweigh the security gains.

It's going to be an automatic high priority update, unless you don't accept updates.
Here's some more info about IE7 and how to install or block it from being installed automatically.
IEBlog : IE7 to be distributed via Automatic Updates!

I have had the upgrade to IE 7 blocked in the registry since they decided to make it a critical update whether you wanted it or not.

It still has the same hole they have been patching since IE 5. Security my arse.

Even the tabbed browsing feature is pathetic compared to Firefox / Opera / Avant.

Here's the registery hack if you want to try it...


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup]

 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\7.0]

Copy and paste into Notepad and save as IE7Block.reg

Then click on it to install...

squirrelnmoose 02-22-2008 11:28 PM

If you're saying it still has some flaws the same as previous versions, then why not get a current version with updated security features. Also all the articles I've read agrees that IE7 is a security improvement.
Especially for a non technical user who is going to us IE anyway.

Getting people to try standards compliant browsers is a whole other issue. If technical users had there way browsers like Firefox and Opera would have a dominant market share already.

That said, if you are ready to try a new browser download one and give it a go. You can have multiple browsers installed on your system. So you don't have to make any commitment if you don't want to.

Wombat 02-23-2008 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9947)
If you're saying it still has some flaws the same as previous versions, then why not get a current version with updated security features. Also all the articles I've read agrees that IE7 is a security improvement.
Internet Explorer: The Features
Especially for a non technical user who is going to us IE anyway.

Getting people to try standards compliant browsers is a whole other issue. If technical users had there way browsers like Firefox and Opera would have a dominant market share already.

That said, if you are ready to try a new browser download one and give it a go. You can have multiple browsers installed on your system. So you don't have to make any commitment if you don't want to.

I have made my choice along time ago mate, I use and recommend Firefox 2.0x.
Getting people to shift from the mentality of clicking on the big shiny e icon on the desktop so they can surfs on the intarwebz is another matter. Then Firefox and Opera would be home and hosed...

loraandbush 03-31-2008 01:30 AM

unistall the IE 6.0 than reinstall the explorer , this will solve your problem

lurkswithin 03-31-2008 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9943)
Wombat- what's your concern with IE7? I believe it's a much needed upgrade in security and functionality. Also I haven't seen any issues that would outweigh the security gains.

It's going to be an automatic high priority update, unless you don't accept updates.
Here's some more info about IE7 and how to install or block it from being installed automatically.
IEBlog : IE7 to be distributed via Automatic Updates!

Ahhhh! Microsoft is very hipocritical on this subject...They speak wonders about all the improvements on security issues with IE7 but at the same time have all ready put out an IE8 beta to replace it and IE7 has been out less than a year.

Ithink Microsoft's actions speak wonders about IE7.

I will stay with the older version of IE6..thank you!

squirrelnmoose 03-31-2008 08:49 AM

Ahh yes, it's called keeping up with the competition. Thanks for that or all of us would be stuck with IE flaws and quirks.
At least they are saying IE8 will be standards compliant. They intended on IE7 being standards compliant, until they started getting a high number of complaints from companies that had websites designed specifically for IE6 and fell apart in a standards compliant browser.
I wish MS had more competition with other programs.

Here's a good comparison of browsers.
Comparison of web browsers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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