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biohazard_1985 03-15-2007 04:15 PM

install 2 OS on 2 different drives??????
Alright, this one has been bugging me for the last week currently running XP and i have the new "Vista Ultimate".i keep switching back and fourth between them (like within a 3 week time spand)cause i like the new features that vista has (3D flip, glass looking windows, etc...oh, and it never crashes on me like XP would on countless times)anyway...i use XP for my games (im a gamer) and vista doesn't really support the games i play, or they do, they just don't run like their supposed to in XP, ya know, its just not the same....anyway, i was thinkin that if theres a way to have "2 OS installed on 2 different hard drives".I mean like on "2 sata drives"???? if thats possible.....cause this is my rig

AMD Athlon 64 3400+ (2.01 ghz)
ASUS nForce 4 A8N-SLI
Kingston 1gb RAM
BFG tech 7950gt 512mb
Seagate 80gb sata (primary)
Seagate 80gb IDE (its old though)

In the past(before i got the sata drive listed above) XP would constantly crash(like within a 2-3 week time spand) and eventually disabled my IDE drive(listed above) I can still use it as a storage drive but everytime i go to install an OS on it, it says "ERROR LOADING OPERATING SYSTEM" each time it boots up.but my sata drive kicksass though,lol, everytime XP crashed, The sata drive was still in good condition.SO, when iv'e been runnin vista, everything works, no crashes, no nothin....(it could just be a faulty motherboard, idk, all i know is that it doesn't crash anymore when im runnin vista) it would only crash on XP when im on the internet, or thats what i figured out so far.........

SO, is there a way to use "2 sata drives" with "2 different OS on them????if so please help dudes,lol....i can use that whole partition thing, but i fear that it will only slow down the Hard drive performance ya know what i mean:icon_wink: My plan is to have "vista" on one(for music and my everyday stuff, ya know) and "XP" for my any info on that would really help out alot... thanks

William_Wilson 03-15-2007 04:23 PM

all paritioning essentially does is trick your computer into believing there are multiple drives on a single drive. It is better to place your OS's on the main drive, in fact with SATA drives i'm not sure there is another option. You can try, if it doesn't work, the 2nd OS just won't load.

*Partitioning will not slow down your system.

biohazard_1985 03-15-2007 04:27 PM i can partition my primary drive (sata) install both OSs on it and still use my old IDE for storage(like a slave), cause thats what iv'e been doin the past several months, just wasn't to sure if it would slow down the performance, ya know.....

William_Wilson 03-15-2007 07:32 PM

continue to do so, just be careful not to use the other OS partition too often for transfering files etc as it can damage the booting of the other OS. I"m running 3 OS at the moment without any slow downwith 4 partitions.

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