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donnagonzales77 05-23-2007 11:06 AM

Innovate your Wallpaper to Fit your Mood
Are you one of those people who keep on changing the wallpaper of their computers whenever they see a picture that they like? Or do you sometimes have a hard time choosing which picture to post for a particular day? Have you had those times that there are several pictures that fit your mood for the day and yet you need to choose just one to put as your desktop wallpaper? Do you often see yourself change wallpaper as often as checking your email, which is several times a day? Don’t you wish that you can make your wallpaper like a slide show everyday? If you answer yes to most of these questions, chances are, you would probably read on to find out how to do it.

Microsoft has a new product for Windows XP users, the Windows XP Desktop Wallpaper Changer. The good thing about this product is first, you can download it free from the Microsoft website. Yes, you heard it right. Free of charge. Secondly, it lets you use your folder of your choice pictures to use as your wallpaper so you will be able to view all those pictures in the folder, whether ten or a hundred, while using your computer. It will be like a slide show, moving very slowly to be able to show all your favorite pictures. Aside from that, you can also schedule what pictures you want to see on a particular day. When I say schedule, I really do mean schedule, as in on a certain given date. You just have to put the pictures on the folders that are designated for that day and the program will present those pictures in a slide show.

To give you an example, let’s say that I want to put 15 pictures of my dogs as my desktop background. So then, I use the program to make those pictures as my default wallpaper. Then, I think, I would like to see something different on my computer on May 30, the start of the summer break. I would like to see pictures of my family last summer vacation on my computer on that day. So I place those pictures on a folder in the program assigned for that date. So on May 30, when I open my computer, I will be viewing those pictures of my family last summer vacation. The next day, it will be back to the pictures of my dogs again unless I place another set of pictures on the folder for the next day, May 31.

You can also schedule how long the wallpaper will be displayed, ranging from fifteen minutes to a week between pictures. If you don’t want to see one picture as much as you want to see the next, you can do it. If you want to schedule a different set of pictures per day, that is also doable. The possibilities are endless. You can even set it to fit your mood. It really innovates and changes the way your computer desktop looks.

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