I'm trying to find a script or method to add a blog to a site I'm creating.
The operator updating the blog won't have admin privledges, so I just need a script or template to fomulate an interface for him to update over the net from where ever. And obviously it will display to a customer like a normal blog.
Yup, I'd strogly suggest to get a blog like WordPress or TextPattern. You could get a smaller program for sure, but using a program like those will assure you that if you ever need something else, you can easily have it.
I have installed and tested hundreds of different popular scripts. When it comes to blogging nothing compares to Word Press. It is easy to set up an easy to get going.
It can even function as a general content script.
If you already have an existing site you might just want to set up a subdomain for the blog, maybe blog.yoursite.com and installe Wordpress there. You will literally be able to have an active blog in less than 10 minutes, less than 3 minutes if your hosting provider has it ready to be installed.