I would like to thank all of you for your help and quick replies. I think that this is such an excellent site - I am so glad you are here. All of you have been so kind and understanding, and no one made me feel stupid for the question I asked. I really appreciate that more than you know! I went to the printer site that you suggested, and at the moment everything looks as though it is going to work fine. It analyzed my computer - found out that I was missing an active x control and apparently had the wrong software installed... although I don't understand that one - as it was the software that came with the printer... and I'm in the process of downloading new software to run it. It is just taking an extra long time as I live in the country now - and one of the pitfalls of that, is "dial-up" Internet

. So needless to say it is taking me "800" minutes to download the software! This is the first time in forever that I have had to have dial-up, and I checked into satellite Internet and it is $600 down and $99 a month!!

Sooo, looks like I'll just be working at at the "lightning" speed of 31k for awhile!!
Thanks again guys for being there!