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Sami 06-22-2006 01:31 AM

iKeepSafe and Symantec Launch Online Security Tutorial for Parents
The Internet Keep Safe Coalition and Symantec Corp. announced the launch of a new, interactive tutorial designed to help educate parents about online security for children. The tutorial, Parents' Top 10 Technical Questions: What Every Parent Must Do to Keep Children Safe Online, is part of a new Parent Resource Center on that provides parents with valuable information on how to keep their children safe online from a variety of Internet threats and risks, such as cyber-predators, online fraud and viruses.

The Coalition also awarded today the 2006 Internet Keep Safe Award to Senators Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas) and Bob Bennett (R-Utah) for their exceptional contribution to protecting the children of America online. This award is given annually to public figures who have shown an extraordinary commitment to protecting children from the growing, and often lethal, threats they face on the Internet and through other connected technologies.

More than 30 million children currently cruise the Internet, with the number of kids spending two or more hours online per day doubling during summer months. This opens up opportunities for kids to run into viruses, spyware, online fraud and predators. According to a December 2005 survey by the Polly Klaas Foundation, 56 percent of teens and 12 percent of tweens have been asked personal questions online, and 42 percent of teens have posted information about themselves on the Internet for other people to see and contact them.

"You don't have to be a computer expert to protect your child online," said Jacalyn Leavitt, Internet Keep Safe Coalition founder and wife of Health and Human Services Secretary, Mike Leavitt. We want every child to enjoy the benefits of safe Internet use. The new tutorial we created in partnership with Symantec and the new Parent Resource Center provide parents with the skills and tools they need to keep their children safe on the Internet. It's a snap."

"Parents regularly educate their children about how to be safe when interacting with others in person, but the topic of online safety and how to be good cybercitizens is not often broached by parents," said Dave Cole, director, Symantec Security Response. "Since kids are now growing up using email, instant messaging and surfing the web, it's essential they know how to protect themselves during these and other Internet activities. The tutorial we created with the Internet Keep Safe Coalition helps parents teach their children the fundamentals of online safety."

The Coalition's campaign features the 3 KEEPs(SM) of Internet safety: Keep Safe - Keep Away - Keep Telling(SM). This message is reinforced through the Faux Paw the Techno Cat Internet Safety Series for Children, which includes colorful children's books and animated films, written by Jacalyn Leavitt. The Faux Paw series teaches children -- in a fun, non-threatening way -- the essential rules that will keep them safe online.

Source: Press release from Symantec Corporation

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