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Old 01-19-2006, 09:40 PM
Blade1941 Blade1941 is offline
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Default If you havn't heard of Puke Pop read this

I recently heard about a site called but the site seems to be down, I did a research on the site and found some info and one image on the ugly lollypop.

The story of Puke Pop:

The story of Puke Pop started on December 3rd 2004 when it was purchased by Matthew Basile at an Australian school canteen / cafeteria for 50 cents. He opened it, and to his dismay, an extrememly ugly looking confectionary laid before him. With a large chunk missing and what appears to be a brain in the centre, this is one ugly lollipop. He then called his friend, Daniel Santo, to come and look at the the beast. He immediately saw what a rare find this was and asked to take it home. Matthew agreed and handed it over.
What's a Puke Pop?

Puke Pop is a strawberries and cream flavoured Chupa Chup that obviously was born without a full head. Some say it has a brain, others say its a conspiracy BETA lollipop with a bean flavoured centre. What do you make of it?
Here's the only image that I could find of it:

Regards, Blade1941.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2006, 05:17 PM
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Wow. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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