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ray14 11-27-2007 04:41 AM

ide and sata hdd
hi! i'm a new member of this community.
i am just wondering if i could connect an ide interface hdd and a sata hdd at the same time, with both drives having different OS.
i have first setup our pc with the sata hdd. i have installed a win xp pro on that drive.(the ide hdd is not connected)
after the setup, i have disconnected the sata hdd and connected the ide hdd.then, i have installed another os on that drive, xp home. after configuring the ide drive,i have disconnected it and returned the sata hdd. at that time, i was thinking of using the ide hdd as a spare drive, whenever my sata drive fails. but now, i want them both connected to the motherboard for easier access. is it possible?
will there be no harmful effects to both drives?
are there any steps before i connect them both to the motherboard??


squirrelnmoose 11-27-2007 08:02 AM

Yes you can have them both connected.
Booting to which one can be determined by changing the BIOS setup option, boot priority.
Or you could use a boot manager, which will be aware of both OS's and give you the option of which to boot at start up.
The drawback of the BIOS boot priority, it's a slight inconvience.
The drawback of a boot manager, some configurations can be tricky to uninstall if you want to change your setup down the road.

ray14 11-27-2007 08:18 AM

ei, tnx for the reply. but how could i use boot manager? is it preinstalled already in the motherboard? please help me regarding this matter. i am just a newby. thanks!

squirrelnmoose 11-27-2007 04:17 PM

You can try this progam.
It's not too difficult to use, has documantation and a forum if you get stuck.
Download EasyBCD 1.7.1 - NeoSmart Technologies

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