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ClevoM400a 03-04-2009 03:51 PM

I need A Watch updater
Ok, i have a problem, my motherboard is half burned-i need to reset cmos data
everytime i want to start my pc.Since the option would be buying a new motherboard,but im not made of money.
So,everytime i start my pc the time is 2003 01 01.
Is there any prog in the net that could syncronise my pc watch with somekind of server,everytime my pc starts? if there is i wish to know the name of that program :)

lurkswithin 03-04-2009 06:16 PM

have you tried to just replace the on-board battery. It is only about dollar or so in cost. Some BIOS's will resort to doing this when the battery starts going out.

There are many clock synchronization programs out there but none will work in the BIOS only after windows has started....

clock synchronization programs - Google Search

ClevoM400a 03-05-2009 02:06 AM

well i sort of tried that(tried not a new one,but friends)
my motherboard burned when electricity in my home was disconnected
recently my Video card has burned the same way and i dont know who is doing that

lurkswithin 03-05-2009 04:20 AM

sounds like you have a bad power supply that is sending powere surges into the board. It has damaged the board beyond repair if it is now shorting all your various hardware...I would toss the whole thing except memory and drives.

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