Trend Micro
Be sure to read the readme.txt before using...from there on it's easy!
"If you are not a Trend Micro customer please download the following file.
Sysclean Package 3.1MB
MD5 checksum: ed3e896a8e3652eb516893f6010104a1 *
For instructions on how to use this package, consult the "How to Use" section of the readme file, readme_sysclean.txt. This file also contains the description and the different features of this package.
Note that for the Trend Micro Sysclean Package to be effective, you must download and place the latest pattern file in the same folder as the Trend Micro Sysclean Package."
Trend Micro
"Virus Pattern Files / Cleanup Templates
The Virus pattern file protects customers against viruses.
The Virus cleanup template automatically removes the virus from the customer's system.
* Virus Pattern File (Official Pattern Release) - 4.633.00 << for normal use
[the next one has intermediary files not part of the older update above, and which will be part of the normal update in future...]
>> * Virus Pattern File (Controlled Pattern Release) - 4.634.17