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benzaloy 04-27-2008 05:34 AM

I E 7 of Windows ...
In the user instructions of Internet Explorer 7 it is said different windows could be opened in different tags by clicking on the 'Right Pointing Arrow', that appears when Mouse Pointer is placed on a link in the 'Left Panel', to work on those opened Windows with ONE click.

And those 'opened' windows will come back 'ON' when the pc is opened again.
It means 'once opened is always opened' and one doesn't have to bother with pointing and opening all over again.

This isn't true in my case. I got to open them each time I open my pc.

Have I read the instructions in a peculiar way or my browser is not in tune with Windows developments ?

Wombat 04-27-2008 05:12 PM

Give IE 7.0 the flick and use Mozilla Firefox, which is a more secure webbrowser... - Home of the Mozilla Project

benzaloy 04-27-2008 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 10667)
Give IE 7.0 the flick and use Mozilla Firefox, which is a more secure webbrowser... - Home of the Mozilla Project

But ditching IE 7 for another is like letting down a friend. Please, I do appreciate your advice, but am reluctant to give up IE to which I am used to.

Thank you for taking time to reply me.

benzaloy 04-27-2008 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by benzaloy (Post 10672)
But ditching IE 7 for another is like letting down a friend. Please, I do appreciate your advice, but am reluctant to give up IE to which I am used to.

Thank you for taking time to reply me.

On 2nd thoughts I will try it out now.

If I don't try what you told me to, I shuldn't have asked in the first instance.

Thanks again Wombat.

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