I have this problem since the begining of octomber. I cant shutdown my PC with the normal Start>ShutDown action. If I use that, nothing happens, and I cant log of after that. I can only ShutDown/Restart my PC if I log off first and then ask for shutdown from the loging in menu. I am realy anoyed! I get an error etch time I log off or when I turn on my computer. It says "Error in line 30" or something like that. The only option that I have is Ok, and I have to press it 8 times b4 I can enter in my XP os. I have no Idea how to fix this.
If any1 has an opinion, I'dd like to "see" it
Thx for u're time and help
PS: First post here. I didn't saw an Introduction Area so... :P Hi! to all SYSChat members that read my post.