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kslp 12-18-2008 10:19 PM

I can't format the vista

My comp is installed by Vista Ultimate.I want to change Xp.
I put the xp bootable CD in the DVD drive and i change the boot system by F12,
its loadind first and then i see the partation C: 7309 MB and unpartational space 8 MB ...I delect the unpartational space and make the quick format (non quick also i try ready), its appear formatting system and hanging in 20 % format,not working anymore.PLs give me the advice how to friends
now i install again vista ,its working..but when i do again install XP ,stopping at 20 % format again.....

lurkswithin 12-19-2008 01:23 AM

Google for and download SIW and find out what brand of harddrive that you have. Go to the manufacturer's website and download the utility they use for installing their harddrives. You can use it to format the drive first. Then reboot with the XP installation CD and try again.

squirrelnmoose 12-19-2008 01:37 AM

If you want to delete Vista and install only XP you need to format the C: (7309 MB) partition. Then install XP there.
Doing so would delete Vista (and all programs and data on that partition), making room for XP install.

Also check that you have the drivers you would need for XP, video, sound, etc.

kslp 12-19-2008 03:20 AM

i install XP on C: partation 7308 MB also hanging ,stopping the format system at 20%....not working..I already have xp drivers for this Acer Aspire 5610z model

lurkswithin 12-19-2008 12:51 PM the manufacturer's disc utillity and run diagnostics on your harddrive. It is probably what is causing the hangs!

kslp 12-19-2008 09:00 PM i can ,so thanks!!!
hi ...brothers

yesterday i installed the harddrive utility..update all my drivers from web.
and then format & install ...Its ok ..Thanks all members and syschat ass:

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