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jenn 07-16-2009 04:33 PM

i am having troubles hearing sounds
can someone help me pls i am having troubles hearing sounds from mi pc i play a video and nothin talks but the video is playin wat can i do

neale 08-21-2009 02:14 PM

About Neale
Hi Everyone

I have Windows XP,SP3, IE 7.

In trying to get streaming video to work without pauses to reload I
wound up with distorted/garbled sound in all modes. I suspect it was in uninstalling and reinstalling Flash Player versions.

I went through all the Support checks.No detectable discepancies . Except.

I used DirectX Diagnostic Tool and did both the sound and music tests.
The oddity was that the sounds and musics were all garbled but the program
said both were OK

I pursued the Help instructions in an effort to uninstall then reinstaller the
latest software. But it said to use the original Windows CD. Mine came
preinstalled. No CD. So I tried to find it on the Realtek website. Couldn't
pick out which version to use. My Sound Device is Realtek HD Audio.
It's driver was rtkhdaud.sys (v

I would deeply appreciate any help or suggestions.


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