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ran8489 10-25-2008 11:20 AM

I am confused about my mobo model
Hello, I have an old PCCHIPS mobo that the BIOS string says "62-0510-009999-00101111-071595-000000-M756LMRE-H" so i suppose that the model is M756LMRE-H but everest says that the mother is a M756LMRT and when i enter PCCHIPS web site for BIOS upgrades i find the models M756L+ and M756LT+, now i want to download the correct BIOS upgrade for the mobo but i am confused.

The idea is to make the mother more compatible, i want to change the microprocesor, a Celeron 700 mhz (coppermine model) with a Pentium 3 1000 mhz (tualatin model) the mobo suports PGA370 and slot 1 microprocesors

lurkswithin 10-25-2008 07:19 PM

Check the BIOS versions for both models. They might actually be the same, so this won't matter.

Open the computer and look on the motherboard for the model as listed PLUS any version number/letter. That is the only accurate way of telling when there seems to be a doubt.

ran8489 10-25-2008 08:57 PM

I have found that the correct model for downloading the BIOS upgrade is M756L+ (the mother version is 5.3 and the available model for downloading the BIOS upgrade for M756LT+ is only the 3.3 version)

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