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benzaloy 01-24-2008 04:13 AM

Html Code Writing Method
Please show me the proper way to write this html code. In case you do not handle instructions on writing html code please say so and I shall understand.

I have an instruction that reads:

Point to name with # at front:

<a href="#internal"> go to internal links</a>

Please tell me what I should write in the 2 spaces there:
1... "#internal"

2 ... go to internal links

I have 3 or 4 other questions on this subject.
If you answer this question, thereafter I shall ask the others.

I appreciate and am grateful for the kind and quick responses you have given me in the past.

Thank you.

squirrelnmoose 01-24-2008 12:39 PM

Here is the structure of a link.
<a href="url">Text to be displayed</a>

The # symbol indicates an anchor somewhere else on the page.
<a href="#internal"> go to internal links</a>
This will display a link with the text "go to internal links" and when clicked it will move down the page to the anchor tag with the name internal.

Here is a great website for learning HTML.
HTML Links

benzaloy 01-24-2008 10:51 PM

Writing html code

Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9454)
Here is the structure of a link.
<a href="url">Text to be displayed</a>

The # symbol indicates an anchor somewhere else on the page.
<a href="#internal"> go to internal links</a>
This will display a link with the text "go to internal links" and when clicked it will move down the page to the anchor tag with the name internal.

Here is a great website for learning HTML.
HTML Links

Thank you SnM. Your explanation is clearer than what I read on this subject.

Also thank you for pointing the w3school for me. i feel it is easier to get the info from SysChat than learn html cde in w3schools.

Cheers, ben

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