App Locker is an amazing new feature introduced in Windows 7. This tool allows the user to allow or block applications for specific users of the system. To launch App Locker, go to the search bar and key in gpedit.msc and hit Enter.
Policies may be defined based on Scripts, Windows Installer and Executables. To create a new policy, just right click on any of the 3 categories and select New. These policies may be made to deny or allow an executable. Additionally, you can select the groups where you want to apply the rule.
Rules may be created based on a program path, file hash or a publisher.
As an example, we can use the publisher. The Rule wizard will utilize the information stores application-signing certificate to know more about the chosen application. You have the option to adjust the level of data that you will allow for an application.
You may set the level to allow any version of Internet Explorer. Use the same steps to make exceptions for selected applications. The App Locker is also capable to generate rules automatically.
The App Locker scans your applications in the program file directory and creates permissions in order for it to run.