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dwarkarao 12-26-2009 11:04 AM

How to Repair Corrupted Word documents
Whatever may be the reason, but MS Word files do get corrupted very often. Few days back, I was working on a 250+ pages MS Word file, and I noticed that it was not opening just before I had to mail it to my client.
Even you have faced similar situations when you try opening a MS Word file and it displays error messages like "The document name or path is invalid ..." "Word can not open the document".

Repair My Word is a freeware program which would recover data from corrupted MS Word files. Once retrieved, information can be saved as a normal file editor (error free)

Repair My Word will allow you to access the contents of the corrupted documents in an easy and simple manner. It supports Microsoft Word 6.0, Word 95, 97, 2000, XP, and 2003 for Windows.

The program is very easy to use. First you must open the file, do a preview from the preview window and save normally without errors. That is all.
You need not do any registry tweaks or other technical related things. Simply use this program and fix all your corrupted MS Word files.

Download Repair My Word

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