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dwarkarao 12-22-2009 02:58 AM

How to backup your Twitter account
Backing up your data is one of the smartest approaches to keep your data safe under every worse. It's always good to back up our hard disks and other services with the aim of supporting the valuable information stored. In the era of social networks is how Twitter tools that have achieved a significant degree of relevance, therefore endorse the information on our Twitter accounts is necessary. Today we are going to present a good option to backup your account on Twitter.

Tweetake is a simple web application that allows you to backup information from your twitter account on your PC. To back up your data you must login with your Twitter username and password.

The second step is to choose to support: fans, bookmarks, tweets, direct messages and so on.

In the example selected to make a backup of the tweets. Now you must click on "Get'em!" and select the destination of the file is saved in CSV format and opened with excel.

Tweetake is a great option to backup your twitter account.

Go to Tweettake

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