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jojo2592 06-12-2006 03:29 PM

How should I backup?

I have a question about backups. I want to backup my entire system but I need over 5 gigs of disk space--I have 20G. Should I create a partition, say "F"? or should I backup to CD? If I backup to CD how do I create small enough files to be accepted by the disk writer? or I could get another hard drive, but is the expense justifed? Can anyone give me some advise? I would appreciate it. Thanks.:sconfused:


Sami 06-14-2006 01:39 AM


I have a question about backups. I want to backup my entire system but I need over 5 gigs of disk space--I have 20G. Should I create a partition, say "F"? or should I backup to CD? If I backup to CD how do I create small enough files to be accepted by the disk writer? or I could get another hard drive, but is the expense justifed?
It's bad Idea to backup on different partition of the same hard drive, if your hard disk crashes you will lose everything including your partition.

For you external hard drive would be the best option. Now a days external hard drives are much cheaper you can get 40GB drive for less that $40.00 and also they come with easy to use back-up software to backup your whole system.

Jormin 06-14-2006 04:45 AM

You can even use a Flashdrive to backup the important stuff. Like your docs, images, and etc.

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