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dwarkarao 04-01-2010 01:38 AM

How to share data across various computers using Dropbox?
Before starting let us know what is Dropbox. Dropbox is a online backup utility that allows to sync files across various computers. For example: If you own more than one computer then it must be difficult for you to manage the date as the data you need may be on some other computer while you are working on another then the Dropbox may be very useful.

It allows you to share data across various computers, all you need to do is to download Dropbox and put all you data in it and when you open it from some other computer then you can access the data which you have actually saved into it from some other computer.

Not only this if in any worst situation you end up in crashing the system even then you can take the backup from the website as it will be updated every time you add any file to the dropbox on your computer.

Features of Dropbox:

* Allows to share any kind of files.
* Can be shared across Mac and Windows.
* Can also be used in mobile applications.
* Has a backup stored in Website.

Try Dropbox and get rid of any external drives and stay cool !

Download Dropbox

metal333 04-09-2010 05:36 AM

How to share data across various computers using Dropbox?
Well sharing data across Dropbox is very easy. You can share your data across many computers around different places and access your data anywhere-anytime.

To share data you have to install Dropbox on every computer where you want your data to be shared. Make a new folder and put the data inside the folder that you want to share. Open your Dropbox account and go to “Sharing tab”. Click on “Share a folder” and choose the option you want. Browse the folder and share it. After this much process, go to other computer, open your Dropbox account and accept the sharing offer. The shared folder will automatically get downloaded to your Dropbox folder as long as you stay online.

Enjoy Dropbox-Enjoy sharing.

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