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How to Set Up an Ad Hoc Network

How to Set Up an Ad Hoc Network

Published by mabellitazz

Default How to Set Up an Ad Hoc Network

You might find the name funny but what this network could do to you is amazing. Known as a local area network that is wireless or has temporary plug-in connections, an ad hoc network is temporary as what its name suggests. However, it serves quite a purpose such as allowing people to get together in a conference room and use radio frequency, infrared transmission and Bluetooth technology to share data and resources. Moreover, ad hoc network lets you access the Internet as a group and play computer games that allow multi player.

Here’s how to set up an ad hoc network quickly. Just follow the easy steps below.

1. Ensure, first and foremost, that your computer and the others you’d be connecting to all have wireless adapters.

2. Bring your mouse to the Start button and on the search box type Network and Sharing Center.

3. On the left pane of the window, you’ll see Set up a connection of network.

4. Then choose the fourth connection option which is Set up a wireless ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network. Then click Next.

5. On the next step, you will be asked to Give your network a name and choose security options. Here are some tips on how to go about it.

a) Make your Network name short and memorable for you.
b) It is best for you to choose WPA-2 Personal as security type. If ever it won't work, you are advised to change your network adapter to that that works well with WPA-2.
c) For your security key/passphrase, no use to get fancy with it. Remember, they work like passwords. Just always keep in mind that it should be 8 to 63 characters long and must contain numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. It may also contain symbols.
d) In order to use the network over and over, make sure to tick on the Save this network box.

6. After filling in the needed specifications, click on the Next button. You will then see the network name and security key/passphrase. Take note of the information because you will need it for your friends to connect to the network. Click on the Turn on Internet connection sharing so Internet connection will be made available to the network.

After setting up the ad hoc network, the next series of steps would be to share what is needed to be shared such as files and of course, printers.

To share files to everyone in the network,

1. Go to the Network and Sharing Center.

2. In the Sharing and Discovery, file sharing and network discovery should be on. If it does not appear so, click on the corresponding arrows to expand certain sections. Once it's done, click the option to turn sections on and off. Then you must click on Apply. If you want to share files using Public folder sharing, simply turn it on by clicking on the button that says off.

To share your printer, as well, to the network,

1. Click on Start, go to Control Panel and then proceed to Hardware and Sound. There you have to click on Printer.

2. Use the right button of your mouse, right-click on printer you want shared by clicking on Sharing. Then on the Share this printer check box, click OK.


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