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How to remove row and column headers in Excel 2010?

By dwarkarao
At our workplace we need to share spreadsheets every now and then and when it is workplace the work that we do should be professional. Here we will know how to hide the main row and column headers.

The following steps will guide you how to do so.
Step 1: Launch Excel 2010.
Step 2: Open the spreadsheet for which you want to remove the row and column header.
Step 3: Go to file menu and select options.
Step 4: Select Advanced in the left pane.
Step 5: In the right pane go Display options.
Step 6: Disable the option “Show row and column headers”.
Step 7: Click on OK.

Now you can see that the row and column headers will be gone and the spreadsheet will be much professional. So what are you waiting for just try and excel with excel 2010 at work.

excel 2010, row and columns

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