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SysChat » Tips 'n' Tricks » Windows XP » How to remove and restore the Recycle Bin from the Desktop in Windows XP?

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How to remove and restore the Recycle Bin from the Desktop in Windows XP?

By R2D2
If you are deleting the files directly, by using the SHIFT + DELETE option, you may not want to have the Recycle Bin on the Desktop taking your “space”. If you want to delete the Recycle Bin from the Desktop, here is the procedure that has to be fallowed:

First of all, click on Start, then go to Run and in it write “regedit”, which is a short cut to the Registry of the Windows. Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, click on the plus (+) to expand it. Then go to SOFTWARE, on the plus again to expand it. Scroll down to find Microsoft, expand it too. Search for Windows, then go to CurrentVersion, and in it find Explorer. From there search for Desktop, expand it, and click on the NameSpace. In the NameSpace search for: {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}. Select it and click on the right button of the mouse to display the additional options for the registry key, then go to Delete and click it in order to delete the key.

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Now go to the Desktop and press F5 on the keyboard in order to Refresh the Desktop. You’ll see that the Recycle Bin on the Desktop is gone.

In order to restore the Recycle Bin, go to the same registry key that you were before i.e. NameSpace. Click on it with the right button of the mouse. Go to New, then go to Key and click on it. A new registry key will be displayed.

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Paste the fallowing key: {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} including the brackets, and then hit Enter on the keyboard.

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Views: 894
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Exit the Registry editor, and hit F5 again to refresh the Desktop. You’ll see the Recycle bin is back again.
By portella on 05-24-2010, 07:55 AM

Hey The Process i see here is too far fetched.
-Right Click the desktop
-click properties
-click desktop tab then click cotomize
You should be able to finish up from there.
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