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dwarkarao 10-22-2009 01:30 AM

How to remove recycle.exe, recycler.exe, autorun.inf from pendrive?
Task of removing virus from your computer takes lot of patience and energy. And sometimes the same task becomes impossible to try it on a pen drive or a portable storage device. And viruses in Pen Drives is becoming a common source from which viruses are getting spread among your group.

If you connect an infected Pen Drive to your computer, it hardly takes few seconds to infect your computer or vice versa. Sometimes browsing unsafe web sites also lead to infect your system.

Recycler.exe is one such virus which mainly spreads through Pen drives and other portable storage or media devices like iPod, MP3 players. Below are the few steps, which will help you to remove the dangerous Recycler.exe virus from your computer:

* Download Flash Disinfector and then install in on your computer.
*After the installation of the program, run that app. Then is will request you to plug in the infected pen drive, flash drive or other storage device and then click on OK button.
* Now the application will automatically remove autorun.inf file from the infected storage device. Now browse your infected pendrive to delete all the infected and unwanted files like recycle.exe, recycler.exe etc.)

The application Flash Disinfector is worth using.

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