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How to prevent Mozilla Firefox from Freezing Frequently

By dwarkarao
Mozilla Firefox is my favorite web browser and I know that the Firefox Fan club is very big. But sometimes I find my Firefox browser getting freeze or stuck very often. And the reason for such consequence may be anything. There might be some kind of problem with any of the add-on or any other thing.

Since, Mozilla Firefox is used by millions of users all over the world, Mozilla makes sure that they fix each and every bug related with Mozilla Firefox. As a user you have to make sure that the add-on or theme used by you is completely compatible with your Firefox browser. So you can fix the problem by identifying such theme or add-on and uninstalling it.

Mozilla releases its updates very often. So, you need to keep an eye on its latest releases and update the same. Since, the updated versions are fixed versions of its previous versions.

Below are the steps to find the corrupted theme or add-on:

1. Launch Firefox in Safe Mode, click start –> All programs –> Mozilla
Firefox –> Mozilla Firefox (safe mode). This will open the Firefox browser with all the extensions turned off on default theme

2. Now if you still face any problem, then look for an updated version of Mozilla Firefox and if you are not facing any problem, then launch the Firefox in normal mode.

3. Now divide all the extensions in groups and check the performance by disabling each group at a time to find the corrupted group.

4. Once you find the corrupted group, you can individually check each and every add-on.

5. And once you find the corrupted add-on, you can simply uninstall it.

6. Make sure that you each and every group because there could be more than one faulty add-on.

That is all. Now you can restart your browser and check if the problem persists. Although the probability is low as you have cleared all the incompatible add-ons.

mozilla firefox

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