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How to make a BLUR image visible using Photoshop

By dwarkarao
There must be hundred of time when you take a picture expecting it to be a killer, but you end of capturing a blur image. Now, below are the simple steps which will help you to make that blur image visible to a great extent.

It is not at all necessary to be a master in Photoshop in order to transform a blur image into a visible one. Below are the steps:

1. Once you have opened the Photoshop editor, Click on OPEN button and select the image (blurry one)

2. Now, create the duplicate background just by hitting the shortcut, CTRL+J

3. Now, click on the FILTER tab on the Main Menu, and then Click on OTHER >> HIGH PASS.
Make sure that you do not set the value very high as it would distort the image with graining.

4. Now you need to adjust the BLENDING MODE of the layer to HARD LIGHT. And tweak the OPACITY settings, until you are satisfied by the clarity of the image. I would advise you to set the value as 50%.

That is all. Now you can see that image is far better than the original one. Save the file and make use of it.

blur images, photoshop

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