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How To Insert Youtube videos in PowerPoint presentations

By dwarkarao
There are number of ways to make your PowerPoint presentation. You can add graphics, colors and clip arts. You might have faced the times when you felt like adding a video into your PowerPoint presentation, but such thing is not possible on Microsoft office.

I say "Its completely wrong". Are you wondering how? Here we have the answer. You can easily embed youtube videos in your PowerPoint Presentations by installing this plugin.

After downloading and installing this plugin go to insert in menu bar. Select “insert YouTube Videos”.

insert youtube videos in powerpoint presentation

Copy and paste the youtube video link in the textbox. Set the options as needed. And done. Now play your presentation and see if it is showing the video or not.

NOTE: You will require internet connection at the time of presentation or else the video won’t load.

Download the YouTube plugin for PowerPoint

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