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dwarkarao 03-25-2010 02:19 AM

How to enable/disable the windows messenger from the system startup in Windows 7?
Every time when we turn on our computers then the windows messenger will come up. It may be annoying as it comes up all the time. It may be useful but still if you want to disable it then the following steps will help you.

Step 1: Click on start menu and type “gpedit.msc” in search panel.
Step 2: Browse through the following the menu’s from the left pane.
Settings -> User configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows messenger.

Step 3: On the right pane ,click on settings
Step 4: Double click on the option “Do not automatically start Windows Messenger initially”
Step 5: Select the disable option if you do not want it to come up automatically.
Step 6: You can also configure the settings else the system will take the default settings.
Step 7: Moreover, you can enable the feature “Don not allow Windows messenger to run”, if you don’t want the users to use it.

Try it and just get rid of the windows messenger.

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