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How does spyware find my system?

By dothy1005
As the name implies, spyware utilizes elusive techniques to find its way onto your system. They can hide inside useful shareware and freeware programs. You should always be careful whenever you download games, photos, and screensavers on your system.

Web pages you browse may have hidden spyware

If you think that you are perfectly safe whenever you are browsing the Internet, be careful, as this is not always the case. You do not have to be downloading something to get infected with Spyware. These things normally hide in the code of the Web sites that you go to. Once you go to the site where they are hiding, they can download and install itself on your system without your knowledge.

Fortunately, majority of the legitimate Web sites do not do business with spyware developers. Most likely these spyware are found on sites that contain illegal software, ****ography and online gambling games. These types of websites have the highest risk for spyware infections.

Spyware may also be present in HTML emails

As mentioned above, there are specific kinds of websites that are most likely to spread spyware. Does this mean that you are safe from having them as long as you avoid these kinds of web pages? Not really. There is still a possibility that legitimate websites have spyware. Additionally the people that spread spyware have strong connections with spam and junk emailers. This means that the spyware may be sent straight to your Inbox through HTML email ads. Everyday, they send out hundreds of thousands of Web-based emails that promote all types of products. If you open any of these unsolicited emails, your PC may be infected instantly.


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