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peacethesky 11-07-2009 11:21 PM

How do I get it to let me remove these programs?
I removed the three programs I don't want (Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003, which came with the computer, a math program that had come from a disk, and a small mobipocket reader download) but then did a restore which brought them back. I then again removed the two largest of them, but then did an undo of the restore, followed by a second restore which made them reappear again. Then in disk clean up, a box related to Office was checked and I left it checked when I ran the clean up, so when I then found trying to remove Office for the third time gets 'This patch package could not be opened,' I thought the problem must be I'd have to undo and redo restore yet again (which would mean a lot of extra time and work in my case) to get back that item deleted in clean up. But trying to delete Basic Math 2 1.0 again didn't work either, it says 'File name is not there,' then gives the following series of messages, 'Could not load language file,' 'Couldn't open cofiguration file ...' 'Could not load config file,' then asks are you sure you want to delete " and all its components, I say yes, but it's still on my list of programs. Mobi removed fine though, just now. (Bought this laptop new in May '05, TOSHIBA Satellite M35X-S114, Microsoft Windows XP Home.)

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