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techbrain55 02-29-2008 02:43 AM

How can we get the source code for windows?
Hello there,

Why wouldn't a group of programmers be able to figure out the source code for Windows? I understand that Linux is an open source code that is constantly being changed and updated and given away free, and Windows is closed source that cannot be changed or constantly updated. But why couldn't somebody figure it out? I am only familiar with paragent. Its an open source code which we can modify. Any opinions would be great.


Wombat 02-29-2008 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by techbrain55 (Post 10034)
Hello there,

How can we get the source code for windows? Regards,


Buy Microsoft out... :tongue:

lurkswithin 02-29-2008 10:59 PM

It is also protected by patents and copyrights and believe you me that there are lots of Microsoft employees sifting through every source coding there is to make sure theirs is not being stolen!

helives95 03-02-2008 09:39 AM

I say when Bill Gates retired he was scared that linux would take him over, so he secured it. I hacked my windows 3.1 installation yesterday :) (on another computer, of course)

lurkswithin 03-03-2008 03:15 AM

hacking something as simple as 3.1 isn't saying much.

All you need is a decent understanding of the language and to deduce specific behavior and to target, analyze, extract and modify specific operations and you can so call "Hack" anything!

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