How Can I Buld Business System, Manage The Business System? How can I manage business file
manage suppliers files and clients files.
Must I concentrate in the business that I have the good system?
Very srong business, system?
If I want to do one thing, I must be top expert?
How can I continue?
I am interest in some industries, have a little knowledge, or lack of knowledge.
If I still want to join the buines and obtain revenue, how can I continue?
It is very hard to obtain the contract.
It is impossible to obtain contracts from strongest competitors fight.
Fail in the fighting, there are many huge competitors.
How can I continue?
How to solve this?
One of my friend said, "More strong systems, More service, lower price, more competitive, more competitive service"
Someone said, "Company interest in some industries have no capability in these industries, or is not working in these industry currently."
"Use off-the-shelf industry solutions, or from large industry companies, or hire some programmers, experts, consultants to build a custom solution. "
"That's the real, Is that Iambic Pentameter? cause it's beautiful!"
"Want to fight?"
what can i do?
Last edited by 8443; 12-03-2007 at 05:51 AM..