My apologies to the legitimate folks on board who respect the opinions of others, no matter how daft they may appear to be...and especially to the admin's of the fora, who are providing a great service. But since they cannot ban the likes of the Lurk-man and his ilk...this is no place for a gentleman. I have enjoyed my sojourn among you, even those who would be kings in their own kingdoms.
en garde mon ami it that you were not nursed as a child and miss that comforting warm fuzziness-all-over-feeling...yup, must have been a bottled baby

You must have one heifer of a hemmoroid to be such a sour person all the time. And heaven help God when you arrive, if you arrive; you will probably berrate him/her for having a tilted halo

Get a freaking life and enjoy the ride.
It might be a suggestion, that you retire your ego from whatever it is that puts you in such a miserable mood all the time. This "my way or the highway" attitude of yours is boringly droll. You are the one who is butting in on nearly every stream, pontificating ad nauseum about how wonderful you are.
At least I'm an honest to goodness boob, admit it, and am proud of it

You see, you need me. I don't need you. You are redundant. You need me, because as you are a bully, the likes of you can only get off in life by bullying others, who you perceive to be your lessors. Sure signs of an abused childhood. You probably kick kittens too