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dothy1005 11-21-2010 04:16 AM

How to Add a Sleep Timer to Windows 7 Media Center
A lot of computer users would tend to fall asleep while watching movies or videos. For those users who use Windows 7 Media Center, you can resolve this problem by downloading MC7 sleep timer.

Once this application has been installed, you will notice that the MC7 sleep timer will be in the media center extras library. From there, you can open the timer and begin modifying the settings according to your preferences. You can shut dow the system after 30 minutes, an hour or customize it do shut down at a specific time. After setting the timer, you will receive an audio verification message. You also have options if you would prefer to turn off the just the monitor or the entire system.

A great plug-in for the Windows 7 Media Center, the MC7 sleep timer offers you a convenient way to shut down the system and save energy at the same time.

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