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benzaloy 04-27-2008 05:48 AM

Hotmail of Windows
In Hotmail of Windows there are two versions.

One is the CLASSIC and the other ... I forget now.

One can switch between these two at ease.

When am in one it says: (Not exact words): You are using --- version. do you find this too slow. Then use the --- version and breeze through your mails. That too is FREE.

Ok, who wouldn't like to BREEZE through mails faster ?

I switch to the other version. Don't notice any significant speed increase. The same old Model T this too.

And this too has the very same thing to say and advocates I switch to the other version (the older one) for a faster breeze through my mails.

Could this be, by any chance, the infamous Internet 'cheat' I am being advised against by all and sundry ?

Wombat 04-27-2008 05:10 PM

Give Hotmail the flick, Gmail is the best online email service going and it's free.

You will get over six gigs of storage space as well. 20 meg sized attachments as well...

benzaloy 04-28-2008 12:31 AM

Switching Browsers

Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 10666)
Give Hotmail the flick, Gmail is the best online email service going and it's free.

You will get over six gigs of storage space as well. 20 meg sized attachments as well...

Ok, I will switch over later today after finishing with my mails in my Hotmail Inbox.

I will try the Gmail first b4 i try the FireFox.

Thank you.

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