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joesue13 07-08-2008 10:41 PM

Hl2.exe has stopped working.
Recently I installed the Orange Box hl2 pack through steam and I have been unable to get most of the game to work. The HL2 game works fine but that is the only part that I can start. TF2, HL2 Episode 1 and 2 and portal will begin to load through steam then windows comes up with the error: Hl2.exe has stopped working. I have tried: uninstalling the games and then reinstalling them and disabling my firewall. The only thing I have yet to try is reinstalling Steam itself. Any suggestions before I uninstall the whole program?

Edit: I also should mention: I am using vista, I have all the service packs that are available and my drivers are all up to date.

squirrelnmoose 07-09-2008 12:49 AM

There are plenty of possible solutions. Search Google, Orange Box vista stopped working
there are plenty of possible solutions. Most center around re-installing the game or updating video drivers.

joesue13 07-11-2008 09:29 PM

all set up and ready to go. thanks

02abarks 09-16-2008 09:39 PM

The Fix
i know how to fix the hl2.exe error on steam source engine game on vista system
1. Right click on your game in steam
2. Click "properties"
3. Click "set launch options"
4. enter the cmd "-dxlevel 81" (without ")
5. click "ok" and close properties
6. launch the game
7. if the game is not working properly try the cmd "-dxlevel 70"

setting the direct x level worked for me
the fix can be found under steam troubleshooter under game crashes section allthough steam also tell you to type the cmds
and +mat_forcehardwaresync 0
and these can also fix some games problems
but it seems direct x is the only thing you need to change on gmod10

this is a link to the support page containing this fix

scroll to Set Game Launch Options and Disable Problematic Hardware

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