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usabart 09-08-2011 06:47 PM

Help science and win $50 with my survey
Here is a chance to advance the cause of science and win a $50 Amazon gift certificate for participating in a brief study!

We invite you to participate in a study being conducted by the Informatics department (ICS) at UC Irvine. The study involves a questionnaire about Applause, a new Android app recommender system. It will take about 15 minutes of your time. You will use and evaluate an early prototype of this system.

Your participation will help advance the cause of science, and contribute to helping make software and technology easier to use for everyone. As a token of our appreciation, we will raffle a $50 Amazon gift certificate among the participants of the study.

If you are interested (and eligible: >18yo), click on the following link to start the study: UC Irvine Android Study

Thank you for helping us to improve technology!

Bart Knijnenburg
Informatics Researcher, UC Irvine

usabart 10-05-2011 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by dexter (Post 18785)
I don't trust this kind of survive. I have used other site and I win 100$ and he didnd;t pay m

I am a researcher at an academic institution that is subject to review. There are contact phone numbers listed on the site that can be called if you want to check on my trustworthiness :-)

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