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Tammi Tatum 09-12-2007 02:35 PM

Help reinstalling Vista Ultimate Upgrade in digital locker
I purchased a Vista Home Premium in a box in February. Soon after I purchased the Vista Ultimate upgrade which went into my digital locker. Well, everything was working great until I purchased a new video card which then messed my computer up. I took the video card out, but still had to redo my computer. Well, I reinstalled the box Home Premium.... intending on going to the digital locker and then reinstalling my Ultimate. When I went into my digital locker the Ultimate has no information on it what so ever. I did not realize the key and info about where I purchased would disappear. Please tell me what I can do to get my key back to my Vista Ultimate, I am desperate here and nobody I have spoken to can seem to help.... and am tired after trying to figure this out for the past two days. I mean.... who has the extra $59.00 to even speak to Vista Support... not me!:confused:

William_Wilson 09-13-2007 08:36 AM

there are free contact numbers to talk to MS... just can't remember them off the top of my head, but they do exist. You may also want to contact the company responcible for the digital locker, they can likely restore your file or access, upon proving your identity to your account.

Tammi Tatum 09-13-2007 09:18 AM

I spoke with three different people with Windows Market Place which deals with the digital locker issues. Two told me that I had to go through the Windows Vista Support and would not offer any reason why my upgrade was not available, but finally the third person told me to use this link that should get me some help.

I certainly hope so! I have noticed that anyone I speak to sends me back to the Windows Vista Support. I may have to eventually go through them, but with spending the money for a box Vista Home Premium... an upgrade for my laptop... and then the upgrade to Ultimate for this desktop that is stressing me out, I certainly think it is unfair to have to spend $59.00 just to speak to Vista support and not even knowing if they will help solve the problem..... but life goes on beyond computer trouble I do suppose. :ohwell:

Thanks for the post!

William_Wilson 09-13-2007 09:52 PM

if you have the key, it shouldn't be too much of an issue to install it, and get someone to believe you.

Tammi Tatum 09-16-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by William_Wilson (Post 8075)
if you have the key, it shouldn't be too much of an issue to install it, and get someone to believe you.

I am new to this and hope I am replying to this right. Anyway.... that is the problem. I do have the key for the retail box I purchased in the store for Home Premium.... but the upgrade to Ultimate I purchased, I purchased it through the anytime upgrade on my Home Premium online.... which then puts it into this digital locker..... they never actually send you the box with a disk. I didn't realize that the key only shows in your digital locker for 3 days then goes away. The download is still there, but if you don't write that key down within 3 days you are pretty much lost. Sadly to say, after everyone I spoke to through Microsoft.... I have pretty much lost my money for that Ultimate upgrade. I do hope people will look at this and don't make the same mistake that I did..... BE SURE to write your keys down when you purchase ANYTHING that goes into digital locker! In fact, I will never purchase any digital locker downloads again. Someone once asked me if Microsoft was MS or BS.... although I don't cuss..... I have to say it is absolutely BS! :( Thanks for trying to help

William_Wilson 09-17-2007 11:57 AM

that's too bad, and i'm sorry to hear that. It's too bad you were not aware of this before formatting, as there are tools which could have found your key from the current installation.
As the saying goes, fool me once.... never trust online storage, lol

squirrelnmoose 09-21-2007 02:42 AM

Here's what comes up from a google search.

Windows Marketplace: Help & FAQ
I forgot to print out my product key before I started Windows Vista installation. Now what?

Your confirmation e-mail contains the product key for your upgrade. If you can’t find your confirmation e-mail, check your spam or junk mail folder.

You can also find your product key in your digital locker for three days after completing your purchase.

Your product key is a sequence of 25 letters and numbers, in this format: 00000-00000-00000-00000-00000.

Windows Anytime Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions
Can I recover my upgrade license file?
Yes. If you need to restore your computer, a copy of your upgrade license file is available from the digital locker website from Microsoft. For more information about the digital locker, see What is the digital locker website from Microsoft?

You should have proof of purchase (credit card transaction, or similar). If it's not in your Digital locker you can prove you purchased it, and there should be a copy of the license in your digital locker.

Good Luck! If you get Ultimate working, make an image of the drive. This feature is built into Ultimate. Then if you need to reinstall again, you can start right from the point the image was made.

Tammi Tatum 09-21-2007 08:21 AM

Thanks.... I certainly will continue trying. The download for the Ultimate upgrade is still in my digital locker, but for whatever reasons it is not downloadable and all the information about it is gone. I contacted help and support which then told me I need to contact the people over digital locker, which then told me I needed to contact Microsoft help and support. I was starting to feel like a tennis ball being bounced back and forth. I have yet to get any reason from anyone why my Ultimate upgrade is no longer available where I have read that it always is if it is in the digital locker. I will go back through my receipts and see what I can come up with..... it might even help to ask the store what to do that I purchased it from in the first place. I never really thought about that. Thanks again.

Tammi Tatum 09-21-2007 02:03 PM

Simply amazing!!!
I was very unlucky with finding my receipt..... although I do know where I purchased the upgrade from. Anyway..... I did some more researching online and found out that my digital locker upgrade was actually downloadable. I found out that what was preventing me to be able to download and install was that all I needed to do was turn off three different windows features. Once I took care of that I was able to update..... and it automanticly activated. Evidently the license is saved in the digital locker even though it wouldn't let me view it. Whew..... I certainly can take the long way around to a rather simple solution! I am thankful I have my Ultimate back! Thanks for all the help!

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