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kabalevski 05-02-2006 11:35 AM

help please..not sure where i should have posted this ...
... ok.. i have a two part question i guess.. i have done some research (google) -on lost passwords.. and now i'm kinda confused as to what i'm looking for..
ok.. i put a new mother board into my computer.. it just goes into the safemode/normal setting/etc screen.. so.. i boot to windows XP CD.... i try to repair (because i was running this windows xp before i changed the mobo) - it only gives me the option of choosing 1:C/drive - so i choose that.. and then.. it asks for the Administrator password.. i dont know this...

question one.. is this a Bios password or windows password? -

question two.. HELP ME PLEASE!? -- i was assuming that it was bios.. and i cleared the cmos with the jumper and removing battery.. no good... it still asks me for this admin password? when i go into setup..i dont even see a spot for admin password.. and the other user password is already cleared... so.. i'm stuck... how do i clear this admin password and is it a windows thing or a bios thing? thanks for the help .. sorry for the long post...

William_Wilson 05-02-2006 01:00 PM

it sounds like a windows password, but why it is asking you for it there, i am unsure. It could be a conflict with your drivers of your old mobo and when it tries to use them your new one doesn't recognize the commands.
I have seen some odd results from a mobo switch, but there are some things you can try.
Can you boot into safemode? if so try uninstalling all the old mobo drivers and reboot.
*you may end up putting the old mobo in.. but that is a lot of work, so i will try and not make you do that, unless it is the only option.

Try booting to a floppy as well ( and try accessing files on the drive, this ensures that your mobo can read your hard drive. Which if possible likely means a mobo switch or a Windows re-install.

kabalevski 05-02-2006 01:11 PM

missing info...
i forgot to mention i guess.. that as i get to the screen that says something is wrong..maybe improper shut down or change of hardware..ect.. and it asks me to pick normal startup or safemode.. no matter what i just starts up the computer again..and brings me back to that point over and over again.. so.. this is why i was trying to boot from my disc and repair.. but that is getting me stuck at the password..

Thank you For your the way...

William_Wilson 05-02-2006 01:50 PM

Ok, that is a completely different issue, but still a large one
yes the issue is driver and hardware compatability using another pre-configured setup (Linux/Unix would not have as many issues with this)
Try this option it may be what your are looking for.

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