Okay, so I tried to download the adobe flash player on my computer so i could see a movie on youtube, right?
and then next thing i know, a black box comes up, then goes away.
then the oompa loompa song comes on
"oompa loompa doopety doo, i've got another puzzle for you..." and the song just keeps PLAYING and PLAYING, and also...little boxes come up and they say "you got owned by oopma loompas!" and such.
^ it wont go away! and i cant copy and paste anything into emails or IMs or anything anymore.
i called the geek squad but i cant get free help, i called my cable service for tech support and i need to pay them, too!
can someone please help me get rid of this virus?
i got laughed at by everyone i called, which is understandable since i would laugh too if someone told me this...
but its annoying!!!