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jonathan_giuliano 11-11-2009 02:43 AM

help my windows wont load
help me

my windows xp sp2 won't load
it just stops on loading drivers (white loading bar)
i can't enter safe mode/last know good/safe mode w cmd, either..
it just stops without any error message

i can't either repair / re install
because my pc would just die when entering the install / repair screen

any solution will be very appreciated

rads_kie 11-12-2009 05:18 AM

hi, if your windows is working earlier and system restore is enable try to restore back, using ERD commander "winternals" it is standalone software enable you to boot via cd/dvd-rom and have interface like windows and you can do restore to previous working state.

jonathan_giuliano 11-13-2009 12:02 AM

ah.. thanks
great info. it's freeware, isnt it?
but unfortunately the system restore is disabled :(

and the other problem is everytime i try to install/repair the pc,
when it enters the Install/Repair screen, it just dies..
i changed the memory, unplugged the hd, same result
i dont know what kills it...


rads_kie 11-13-2009 03:16 AM

hi, What do you mean " it just dies" it turn off totally or restart, or blue screen? do you have any error message? try to install in other HDD because your problem is similar to HDD or Memory. if not try power supply.

jonathan_giuliano 10-12-2010 02:11 AM


hi, What do you mean " it just dies" it turn off totally or restart, or blue screen? do you have any error message? try to install in other HDD because your problem is similar to HDD or Memory. if not try power supply.
turn off totally without any message

i think it's the motherboard

portella 10-13-2010 09:46 PM


your problem is likely from the processor heating up and the fan not providing enough cooling.

check to make sure the fan is working and the heat sink is properly fastened to the processor.

whenthe processor heats up over its working temp, it just shuts down or freezes.

pls do and let me know.

rayhiin 10-18-2010 11:39 PM

Anything inside of your computer can cause this if it has gone bad. If you know how, pull everything out and put the parts back in one by one.

I have had a bad drive cause this (need less to say you have to be running more than one drive).

That's been my experience with a problem like this. It can be anything.

ggabriel 10-21-2010 08:36 AM

do you have a recue cd ?? do you have a restore cd after a virus infection ?? you will find all off this on the site :icon_smile:

rayhiin 10-22-2010 03:24 AM


If your reply was to me, then what I was talking about is your hardware. I guess I didn't explain myself right. Any hardware (processor, memory, hard-drives, ect...) can cause your OS not to boot-up. This has happened to me and some of my friends. One guy I know simply took out all of his memory, video & sound cards, drives, and blew the dust off of them. When he put them back in his computer, and it booted up just fine.

That's what I meant by anything in your computer.

And, to answer your question, I use Acronis 10 Advanced Workstation. I keep a boot-up CD, a image of my C: drive, both in a file on another drive and in Acronis's hidden partition on the C: Drive. I also keep a clone of the C: drive. I only make the clone after I do a fresh install with a programs loaded and running their best.

I always buy 2 drives at the same time one for information the other as a backup for the first. I've lost too much time and money by not doing this (I learned the hard way).

I know this my sound like a little over kill, but I've even lost all of the information on a 2TB server running on a RAID 5. How? If your RAID controller fails (it's built into your server and is what controls your RAID), you can't restore your drives. That's why I now have 2 2TB servers. Losing 2TB's of information once was enough for me. Now I backup, backup & backup some more.

Hope this helps.

rayhiin 10-22-2010 03:34 AM

Oh yes, and if you ever touch a hot wire (I'm talking about the 12 or 5 volt DC, not the 110 AC) to a ground on your computer, just unplug your mother board from your power supply, let it set for about 30 sec's, and then plug it back in. It should restart just fine. It always has for me anyway.

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