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mrlyndon 03-12-2008 06:11 AM

help i have virus heat virus
help i have virus heat virus, i let a friend use my laptop & now its corrupted with virus heat spyware, my nortons 360 wont get it away neither will adaware, can anyone please help me.

squirrelnmoose 03-12-2008 09:35 AM

Here are 2 other threads about this issue.

Wombat 03-12-2008 05:35 PM


Virus Heat Manual Removal Process:

1. Click on the Start Menu button, then click on the Control Panel option, and then Double-click on the Add or Remove Programs icon.
2. Locate Virus Heat and double-click on it to uninstall Virus Heat. Follow the screen step-by-step screen instructions to complete uninstallation of Virus Heat. Do not worry about this if you cannot find it in Add/Remove window. Simply skip to #5.
3. Restart the computer.
4. When it has completed uninstalling you can close Add or Remove Programs and your Control Panel.
5. Close all programs.
6. Search and delete the following infected entries in registry. If you do not know how to edit registry, click here to read more.


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Virus Heat
7. Stop Virus Heat process. If you do not know how to stop a running process, click here to read more.
8. Find and delete the following infected files from your system. Don’t worry if you don’t find these files. Just proceed to next step.

Virus Heat 3.9.exe

If you do not know how to find it or having difficulties locating the file, click here to read more.
9. Rename the files that you found above to “foundbadfile1.dll” and “foundbadfile2.dll” (if you can not rename this file, then try to restart your computer in safe mode then try to rename this file.) If you don’t know how to start the computer in safe mode, click here to read more.
10. Go to C:\Program Files\ folder and delete the “Virus Heat” folder (if you can’t delete it, reboot your computer to safe mode then delete the folder. Do not worry about it if you can’t find this folder.)
11. Click here to bookmark this page (you will need to comeback to this page after reboot)
(If you are using Firefox click on Ctrl+D on your keyboard to bookmark this page)
12. Restart your computer
13. Go to your computer and delete the “foundbadfile1.dll” and “foundbadfile2.dll” file
14. You have just removed Virus Heat from your computer manually.
(Disclaimers: These instructions are created to help Internet users without any fee. It is free and not guaranteed to work. Please use it at your own risks. We are not responsible for any damages to your computer.)

Virus Heat Removal Process (remove Virus Heat) -

To save you a lot of searching here is the fix...

mrlyndon 03-13-2008 03:46 AM

i got rid of heat virus its easy, use this it works
i found out how to get rid of heat virus, i uninstalled my existing anti virus being useless norton 360 & loaded AVG full version 14 day trial, it took a while to scanthe whole computer but removed it totally, from there you can remove AVG if you like & go back to the antivirus that let it in in the first place or sta with AVG.

mrlyndon 03-13-2008 03:49 AM

i need step by step details to erase a hard drive for spare
i need step by step details to erase a hard drive for spare, can anyone help me please.

[email protected] 03-30-2008 05:43 AM

Yesterday AVG could not remove them.It was hell. Today AVG has solved them, Virus heat is in quarantine.

lurkswithin 03-30-2008 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by mrlyndon (Post 10217)
i need step by step details to erase a hard drive for spare, can anyone help me please.

start > R. clk "my Computer" > manage > disc management and in the right hand bottom pane locate the drive you wish to use as a back-up and R. clk on it. Choose "format" pick NTSF file system and format the drive!

loraandbush 04-08-2008 02:38 AM

Use quick heal software.

b1caez01 04-09-2008 02:35 AM

Unfailing; TREND MICRO-SYSTEMS "Sysclean" FREE!
Have you tried Trend MicroSystem's Sysclean...can be run in windows, withing DOS window, or in safe mode with DOS windows. Also download the latest >>>pattern file for Sysclean to use. Setup c:\sysclean, into which you will insert a copy of the anti-virus pattern.

Run the pattern by opening the folder

1. Trend Micro Damage Cleanup Engine / Template
2. Trend Micro Pattern Files

Your engine is the DOS looking icon "" I'd put a shortcut on my desktop for emergencies.

The Virus pattern file protects customers against viruses.
The Virus cleanup template automatically removes the virus from the customer's system.

* Virus Pattern File (Controlled Pattern Release) - 5.208.02

When you have an inkling that you have been invaded by a virus, close all programs as best you an, then startup sysclean...

A DOS window will open, follow the instructions. You will note hundreds of codes installing...ignore that...The whole process may take an hour or so, so be ready for it.

I run sysclean once a month for good measure.

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