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juddan 05-18-2007 03:28 PM

Help!!! I forget how to do computer error checking
Help!!! I forget how to do that computer error checking thingy! Anybody's help would be appreciated.:confused:

Sami 05-18-2007 05:11 PM

Can you be more specific and provide us as much information as possible.

juddan 05-18-2007 05:54 PM

error checking
I think I went to 'my computer' and then clicked on something to check for errors, then had to reboot. Then the computer did some sort of error check that took about an hour or so. I just can't remember how I did this. thanks

Sami 05-19-2007 02:59 AM

I think you did Disk Error-checking

To do that goto My Computer -> select the disc (usually c:\) right click on it and select Properties -> click on Tools tab Click on Check now button in Error-checking box.

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