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grungesabin 02-06-2009 08:52 AM

hdd capacity
hi to all

i have a HDD of 160 gb out of which 40 gb is assigned to C: but last time i checked size of C: it is just 19gb what could be possible reason for hdd size being shown like that. i havent installed any programs. please let me know whats the issue...

lurkswithin 02-06-2009 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by grungesabin (Post 13862)
hi to all

i have a HDD of 160 gb out of which 40 gb is assigned to C: but last time i checked size of C: it is just 19gb what could be possible reason for hdd size being shown like that. i havent installed any programs. please let me know whats the issue...

Need to know what operating sytem you are using as there is certain references to each operating system!

grungesabin 02-07-2009 03:55 AM

thankx for the reply... i am using windows XP professional

lurkswithin 02-07-2009 11:34 AM

If you are using a back up program as well as system restore...the back up files do not show the disc size that are being used... The system just disappears this information....

do a sytem clean-up and remove all but the last restore point...Then turn off your back -up program and clear the cahe to remove the stored files...then reset the back ups and you should see an increas in disc space...

Some anti-virus suite programs such as McAffee also create large hidden back up files that will delete available disc space.

You might also fo into folder options and uncheck the hide files and folders option ...just be careful about what files show up and which ones you are deleting!

grungesabin 02-07-2009 09:57 PM

thankx that was very informative

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