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joedconnolly1 08-15-2007 08:20 PM

Have Halo CD but no product key

My hard drive on my PC died and I replaced it. I have the Halo CD but do not have the box with the product key. I puchased it years ago. I saw how to get it out of the registry but that will not work in this case

Any thoughts appreciated

William_Wilson 08-15-2007 08:51 PM

call MS and beg? or go buy another copy for $20 or less. There is nothing we can do, if you have no access to the old registry.

William_Wilson 08-16-2007 02:38 PM

techowen, this is illegal no matter how old teh game is, please edit the post above to remove the key AND link immediately before more harsh action needs to be taken.
Do NOT post this type of material again.

techowen 08-18-2007 10:03 AM

sorry was not so sure of the legality all i did was type in halo cd key an pow there it was i am supprised the guy asking the question did not find himself i dont see my post to correct an am truly sorry i was trying to be helpful not unlawfull thanx an hope him or her best tech owen ps 20.00 is a lot cheaper than being criminall i agree good day

William_Wilson 08-21-2007 11:09 AM

your post was removed due to it's content.

The key on each box is unique, often the people who ask for keys do not own the game, but rather have downloaded it and are pirating the game. If they use your key to play online, you can no longer do so, thus giving out your key is not good for you either.

Since this is an older game it makes more sense for the user joedconnolly1 to go buy a copy.

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