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str8trini 02-19-2007 11:49 PM

Halo CD Key recovery
Any suggestions on how I can recover the CD Key for Microsoft Halo PC game. I bought the game for my son for Christmas. He affixed the label to the laptop for safekeeping and it has now faded. We don't have a problem with the game now, but my daughter's laptop recently crashed and I know all too well of the problems that are incurred without the original CDs and product keys. I am trying to create a file of all our software product keys for future emergencies. Any assistance will be appreciated. Thanks!

William_Wilson 02-20-2007 09:06 AM

Is the laptop usable at all?
If so i can install my copy and see if i can find a registry key with the cd key in it.

str8trini 02-20-2007 10:17 AM

Yes. My son's computer is fine. My daughter's crashed and I just got it back up and working, but some of the original stuff was lost because we no longer had the original cds or cases. I can't even find the proper driver for her modem because gateway doesn't have the correct download on their site. I am just trying to take precautionary measures in case I run into a similar situation with my son's. I downloaded produkey from this site, but it only gives me XP and Office product keys. I was hoping to find a similar utility that will read the product keys for other software. I found a site that listed a utility as a free download, but it only gives the partial key unless I purchase the full registered version. I called Microsoft and they want to charge half of what I paid for the game. What a rip-off! Anyway enough with my rambling. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks!

William_Wilson 02-20-2007 10:45 AM

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Halo
value name is PID, but this is only the product ID.
After googling a little, i did find this though:

Note: You must have Halo PC/CE already installed with a valid CD Key.

Ok so you lost your CD Key and are afraid to uninstall Halo. Just go to Start, Run, type in regedit and hit Enter.
When it opens up, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , SOFTWARE , Microsoft , Microsoft Games , Right click Halo, and then click Export. Save it and then open it in Notepad. Copy and Paste the DigitalProductID into a new Notepad and save it. Now backspace the slashes and make it so theres 8 hex characters per line. Meaning 8 of the 2 letter/numbers or 16 total characters in all.

Now whenever you want to install Halo or Custom Edition, type in 0's for your CD key, and go to the regedit and double click the DigitalProduct ID in there. Then just manually edit the hexes to match the Notepad ones. Voila! Multiplayer works because you edited the bad Key with a valid one!
source: Halo

*this will only work if you already had a valid cd key, so no such luck for the scammers out there :p

Nathan117 03-05-2007 06:17 PM

Whats a HEX key
Whats a hex character

William_Wilson 03-05-2007 09:24 PM

hex is a number in base 16, similar to binary which is base 2 or octal which is base 8.

kingofqueens 03-06-2007 04:41 AM

William has already solved up the problem.

You need to run regedit to access the registries .

Go to Start --> Run --> Regedit

Then follow the process by William

bfett9 03-06-2007 10:25 PM

Halo CD KEY Recovery TOOL
DOwnload this:
[App] Halo CD Key Recovery Tool - Halo 2 Vista Forums

:) :sbiggrin: :happy: :icon_wink: :tongue:

needhelp 09-04-2007 06:56 AM

reg editing
ii have saved the reg and launch it on a notepad and it came out like this and i cant find the hexs after the word digitalproductid.

this is the result when i open the exported the halo reg=

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Halo]
"EXE Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Halo"
"CDPath"="C:\\DOCUME~1\\AYAH\\Desktop\\HALOCO~ 1\\"

pls help me!

needhelp 09-04-2007 10:45 AM

ooh never mind about the message above because i have successfully save the thing but what do i have to copy from the below?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Halo]
"EXE Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Halo"
"CDPath"="C:\\DOCUME~1\\AYAH\\Desktop\\HALOCO~ 1\\"

i have read the instruction but the digitalproductid have nothing!

please help me!!

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