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masterhacker 01-11-2007 04:40 PM

Graphics Card Question
I have an AGPx2 slot. Can I install an AGPX8 in that slot and make it work? AGPX2's are hard to find new.

Firefox 01-11-2007 05:49 PM

What mobo do you have? And what card are you thinking of getting?

The question is kinda "How long is a piece of string?" at the mo!

masterhacker 01-13-2007 11:50 AM

Graphics Card Question
Thanks for the reply. Got it figured out.

Cobalt 02-01-2007 11:13 AM

Just for future reference for everybody else:

The x2, x4 and x8 associated with cards and motherboards refers to the bandwidth of the interface, and in essence, the higher the better. In general, you can run an AGPx8 card in an AGPx4 slot, for example, though you will lose out on performance.

However, there have also been changes to the specification of the AGP slot with each iteration, including voltage. This means that an AGPx8 card *should* work in a x4 or x8 slot, though probably not a x2 slot due to the difference in specification.

If your motherboard is running an AGPx2 interface, it is seldom worth putting a relatively new card in and you may be better off saving for a new motherboard, CPU and RAM.


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