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Giving User Privileges in Vista

By nicetwice
To be able to allow your computer users to back up their files without giving them administrator privileges,
  • Make a right click on My Computer on the desktop and select Manage.
  • Click on the Local Users and Groups option.
  • Select Groups and you will be able to view all the groups displayed.
  • Go to Backup Operators and select the Add button.
  • Enter the name of the user who needs to back up files.
  • After you are done, click on Check Names to double check your data and then Ok.
  • For auditing purposes to monitor users file backup activity, open the Group policy console and then computer configuration, then to Windows Settings, then Security Settings, then Local Policies, and then Audit policy.
  • Choose the option to Audit privilege use and select what you want to monitor.
  • Then you can see the activity of those users and check if they are working within their rights.

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